Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Sometimes you have to make choices and you may look back in the future and wonder what if you have made a different choice? How will your life be different?

Wonder but don't regret!
Think hard and careful and thorough and take all the time you need.

Today, I turned down a job offer knowing that it wouldn't be something I will be 100% happy with.
And I feel great! Now I'm more certain of what I want to do and I'm sure I will find the best fit somewhere. Sure when I feel useless and jobless again I will look back and wonder but I will never regret my decision.

Hahaha come life I'm totally ready!

Random side note, some joker text me to ask if I want to work in IMH (Institute of Mental Health). Seems dubious but made my day. Funny max. Thank you stranger! Just dont let it be some scam that can stalk all my security codes and no just by a few texts. Not trying to be mean or mock IMH but the whole conversation flow sounded suspicious and when I asked to call, person claims that he's in a meeting and it's not convenient.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

82 days

82 days.

It's really not that long.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Twenty fifteen!


Omg it's freaking 2015!
Im a bit lag time with the registration of emotions and information.
Second day of the new year and Im just staring to feel super excited that a brand new year has started!

Bye 2014! I wouldn't say it's an awesome year but I have learnt, seen and grown a lot definitely! Met some new people, travel to new places. Actually it's pretty good if I see it this way.
Cant wait to experience the even better things the new year will bring. I can feel it with my sixth sense!

The start has already look kind of good

1) Of course getting to spend the New Year the way I enjoy.

2) The co car plate no came out 2nd and 3rd in the 4D draws on Wed! Haha although I didnt buy any but still kind of exciting. Exactly when I took over driving just for the week (the supposed person driving the car is out of the country for hols)! Technically it happened last year but Im pretty sure the good ending is just the start of even more great stuff :D

3) Drove out for lunch and as usual super sotong me forgot to put up parking coupon (I know I deserve all the fines). That lunch location was a popular place with the Cisco officers. And given that it's still the festive period when they are like the most enthusiatic with their jobs for I-have-no-idea-what reason. So walking towards the car after lunch and remembering that I have forgotten the parking coupon, was totally expecting the white slip of paper. Instead, found a parking coupon in place. Thank you kind soul :))) Im sure 2015 will be nothing but amazing for you! It's really not a huge thing but I feel so grateful. Feels so happy just typing this now.

Happy new year to me and to everyone!

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

New Year Resolution

Haha let me attempt this again.

This time I shall just attempt a simple and realistic list.

Here's my list for 2015:

1) Dropped 5 kg!

2) New job.

3) Bring mum out of the country for holidays.

4) Room revamp!

5) Travel to 2 new countries!

6) Complete one book each month.

7) Complete my creative companion (gift frm bro)

8) Follow up on news and happenings everyday!

9) Be on time! (gotta kick this die hard habit)

10) Be there for people who needs me (Family, friends, love ones)


Abit Paiseh to show but..

Here's the one from 2014.

Wrote this on my old Note Phone.
Hahahahaha totally write for the sake of writing.
I think I fulfilled none :(

Nvm I will do it in the coming year!

Actually I did no 12: Boracay though!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

What I achieved with paint

When I have some free time at work:

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Simple Joy

is to be able to:

Lick into this sachet!


Cheers to my all time favourite Milo!

有一点恶心 but 很好吃! <3 p="">

Friday, 5 December 2014


I live for my holidays.