Tuesday 16 September 2014

Money Loaner

Do my face look inviting to people needing some extra cash? As kind as I may look, I compassion is not limitless. Plus I am freaking not rich at all. So if you are thinking of borrowing money from me, wrong target!

Seriously, tell me you have no parents, grandparents, relatives, family? Or cant you get your significant other for help? no girlfriend, no boyfriend, no husband or wife? Dont you even have a close friend? close neighbour? No? No one? Then I think there must be something very wrong with you. It's really quite sad that you have no one to turn to for help you must come and approach someone you hardly know. Or someone you haven't been in contact for ages. Then maybe you deserve the state that you are in. Or maybe you are so naive that you believe that we are BFF just because I talk to you? Grow up! The world doesn't work like that. And anyway if you really need money, you think of something! Don't even be in that situation in the first place. Not go the easy way and start borrowing around!

It's not that I'm not willing to help. I would generously lend my friend if my family or good friends are in need of it. Or I could donate it to the needy. But I'm certainly not going to give it away like that. GET AWAY FROM ME SUCKERS.

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